During the reign of King Rama III, the American Baptist Foreign Mission Society sent a series of missionaries to Siam to prepare  them for eventual assignment to China. China wouldn’t allow them entry whereas Siam did. Reverend John Taylor Jones with his wife Eliza Grew Jones  were true pioneers of this American missionary fervor. Carlos de Manuel Silveira helped them to rent accommodations behind the Portuguese Consulate.


As more missionaries arrived, the Mission built a chapel, dwellings, a printing press, a type foundry, a book bindery  and library. In fact Dr. Dan Beach Bradley brought the first Thai language printing press to the Baptist Mission on Captain Bush Lane between 1835 and 1838. The printing house finally started printing all the religious tracts, fliers and books that had been translated into Thai. All the Protestant sects, Baptist, Congregational, and Presbyterian recognized that publications were an important tool for winning converts.